Section: New Results

WCET estimation

Participants : Damien Hardy, Benjamin Lesage, Hanbing Li, Isabelle Puaut, Erven Rohou, André Seznec.

Predicting the amount of resources required by embedded software is of prime importance for verifying that the system will fulfill its real-time and resource constraints. A particularly important point in hard real-time embedded systems is to predict the Worst-Case Execution Times (WCETs) of tasks, so that it can be proven that tasks temporal constraints (typically, deadlines) will be met. Our research concerns methods for obtaining automatically upper bounds of the execution times of applications on a given hardware. Our new results this year are on (i) multi-core architectures (ii) WCET estimation for faulty architectures (iii) traceability of flow information in compilers for WCET estimation.

WCET estimation and multi-core systems

Predictable shared caches for mixed-criticality real-time systems

Participants : Benjamin Lesage, Isabelle Puaut, André Seznec.

The general adoption of multi-core architectures has raised new opportunities as well as new issues in all application domains. In the context of real-time applications, it has created one major opportunity and one major difficulty. On the one hand, the availability of multiple high performance cores has created the opportunity to mix on the same hardware platform the execution of a complex critical real-time workload and the execution of non-critical applications. On the other hand, for real-time tasks timing deadlines must be met and enforced. Hardware resource sharing inherent to multicores hinders the timing analysis of concurrent tasks. Two different objectives are then pursued: enforcing timing deadlines for real-time tasks and achieving highest possible performance for the non-critical workload.

In this work, we suggest a hybrid hardware-based cache partitioning scheme that aims at achieving these two objectives at the same time. Plainly considering inter-task conflicts on shared cache for real-time tasks yields very pessimistic timing estimates. We remove this pessimism by reserving private cache space for real-time tasks. Upon the creation of a real-time task, our scheme reserves a fixed number of cache lines per set for the task. Therefore uniprocessor worst case execution time (WCET) estimation techniques can be used, resulting in tight WCET estimates. Upon the termination of the real-time task, this private cache space is released and made available for all the executed threads including non-critical ones. That is, apart the private spaces reserved for the real-time tasks currently running, the cache space is shared by all tasks running on the processor, i.e. non-critical tasks but also the real-time tasks for their least recently used blocks. Experiments show that the proposed cache scheme allows to both guarantee the schedulability of a set of real-time tasks with tight timing constraints and enable high performance on the non-critical tasks.

This work is the main contribution of the PhD thesis of Benjamin Lesage [12] .

WCET estimation for massively parallel processor arrays

Participant : Isabelle Puaut.

This is joint work with Dumitru Potop-Butucaru, Inria, EPI AOSTE.

Classical timing analysis techniques for parallel code isolates micro-architecture analysis from the analysis of synchronizations between cores by performing them in two separate analysis phases (WCET – worst-case execution time – and WCRT – worst-case response time analyses). This isolation has its advantages, such as a reduction of the complexity of each analysis phase, and a separation of concerns that facilitates the development of analysis tools. But isolation also has a major drawback: a loss in precision which can be significant. To consider only one aspect, to be safe the WCET analysis of each synchronization-free sequential code region has to consider an undetermined micro-architecture state. This may result in overestimated WCETs, and consequently on pessimistic execution time bounds for the whole parallel application. The contribution of this work [33] , [23] is an integrated WCET analysis approach that considers at the same time micro-architectural information and the synchronizations between cores. This is achieved by extending a state-of-the-art WCET estimation technique and tool to manage synchronizations and communications between the sequential threads running on the different cores. The benefits of the proposed method are twofold. On the one hand, the micro-architectural state is not lost between synchronization-free code regions running on the same core, which results in tighter execution time estimates. On the other hand, only one tool is required for the temporal validation of the parallel application, which reduces the complexity of the timing validation toolchain.

Such a holistic approach is made possible by the use of deterministic and composable software and hardware architectures (homogeneous multi-cores without cache sharing, static assignment of the code regions on the cores). We demonstrate the interest of the approach using an adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (adpcm) encoder where the integrated WCET approach provides significantly tighter response time estimations than the more classical WCRT approaches, with a gain of 21% on average.

WCET estimation for architectures with faulty caches

Participants : Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut.

Semiconductor technology evolution suggests that permanent failure rates will increase dramatically with scaling, in particular for SRAM cells. While well known approaches such as error correcting codes exist to recover from failures and provide fault-free chips, they will not be affordable anymore in the future due to their non-scalable cost. Consequently, other approaches like fine grain disabling and reconfiguration of hardware elements (e.g. individual functional units or cache blocks) will become economically necessary. This fine-grain disabling will lead to degraded performance compared to a fault-free execution.

A common implicit assumption in all static worst-case execution time (WCET) estimation methods is that the hardware is not subject to faults. Their result is not safe anymore when using fine grain disabling of hardware components, which degrades performance.

In [21] a method that statically calculates a probabilistic WCET bound in the presence of permanent faults in instruction caches is provided. The method, from a given program, cache configuration and probability of cell failure, derives a probabilistic WCET bound. The proposed method, because it relies on static analysis, is guaranteed to identify the longest program path, its probabilistic nature only stemming from the presence of faults. The method is computationally tractable because it does not require an exhaustive enumeration of the possible locations of faulty cache blocks. Experimental results show that it provides WCET estimates very close to, but never below, the method that derives probabilistic WCETs by enumerating all possible locations of faulty cache blocks. The proposed method not only allows to quantify the impact of permanent faults on WCET estimates, but also can be used in architectural exploration frameworks to select the most appropriate fault management mechanisms.

Traceability of flow information for WCET estimation

Participants : Hanbing Li, Isabelle Puaut, Erven Rohou.

This research is part of the ANR W-SEPT project.

Control-flow information is mandatory for WCET estimation, to guarantee that programs terminate (e.g. provision of bounds for the number of loop iterations) but also to obtain tight estimates (e.g. identification of infeasible or mutually exclusive paths). Such flow information is expressed though annotations, that may be calculated automatically by program/model analysis, or provided manually.

The objective of this work is to address the challenging issue of the mapping and transformation of the flow information from high level down to machine code. In a first step, we have considered the issue of conveying information through the compilation flow, without any optimization. We have created our own WCET information type and used the annotation files FFX (Flow Fact in XML, provided by IRIT, partner of the W-SEPT project), and applied them to the LLVM compiler framework. We are currently studying the impact of optimizations on the traceability of annotations. We are currently designing a framework for flow fact transformation for a large panel of compiler optimizations.